How to take your best ever Christmas photos!

As family photographer, I’d like to help you take some of your best Christmas photos this year! Just have these 5 helpful tips in the back of your mind so that when you see a photo opportunity you can position yourself in the best place before you hit the camera shutter!!

1: Dressing the tree

My advice when you're photographing your little ones putting baubles and decs on the tree is to go for different angles. Get really high up (on a step ladder if need be) and then get down low to their level for a whole new perspective!

Child adding babules to the tree BLOG.jpg

2: The Christmas silhouette photo

In order to get this look you need to turn your flash setting off!

To make sure I got a decent silhouette against the twinkly lights, I placed a regular desk light right in front of the children so that I could get that extra glow around the around them, the brighter the light in front of the children, the greater contrast you’ll get in the final photo!

Children in front of the Christmas tree BLOG.jpg

3: Magic Christmas Book Photo

So for this image you'll need a large hard backed book and a light - maybe a flat torch or your mobile phone. Place the light inside the open book with the beam pointing upwards and take your photo!

Magic Christnas Book BLOG.jpg

4: Opening Christmas Presents

So we've looked into the Christmas lights and the Christmas tree so now let's look at the present opening!

My one tip for this is to always make sure that the light is behind you (especially if you’re not planning on using a flash!) Below is a quick example.

The first picture is taken with the light behind me and the little boy is perfectly lit. I quickly switched positions with him so the light was behind him and as you can see he's all in the shadows and not at all good for capturing the moment of delight!

Present opening.jpg
Present opening1.jpg

5: Photograph an ‘activity’ with visitors/ grandparents this Christmas

If grandparents don’t live nearby then Christmas is often the time that we all get together and it’s the ideal opportunity to get that family photo. However, this year, instead of having the children sit on their knee and smile, try to get them doing something together like opening presents, reading a Christmas book or checking out the decorations on the tree!

Granny with granddaughter BLOG.jpg

I hope you’ve enjoyed these pointers, please share any of your favourites and have a very happy Christmas!!

Best wishes,

Celine x

Celine Hare